Friday, May 20, 2011


It starts at a young age... a VERY young age! Mr. Man has always studied and followed his sister the best way he can. And, now at nine months, he is beginning to torment her. He will see her cup on the floor and not care about it until she sees just how close it is to him. It's like their eyes connect, and it's a mad dash to see who can get it first. His little legs will be crawling along the floor just as fast as he can, and she'll knock over anything in her path. It's rather comical to watch until he beats her to it. Then, it's all out war!
When I think of siblings fighting, I think of the classic "MOM! He's touching me!" or the "I'm not touching you...I'm not touching you!" Well, Mr. Man has that one almost figured out. He will look at Miss Magee and reach his hand over to her shoes or leg and just hover his hand over her, and she will flip out! I keep warning her that in a few years he will be bigger than she is, and she's going to regret all the tormenting she is currently inflicting on him (like poking him through the holes in the cart or keeping all of his toys out of his reach).
I have three older siblings (technically half siblings). One of them lived with us for about a year, but the other years they just visited. I remember interacting and playing with them, and I'm sure I annoyed them (but I don't remember that part). My mom did in home day care, and I remember always being older than the kids she took care of. One of my cousins (you know who you are) was at our house from the time he was six months til 11 (I believe). He was like a brother to me. I remember tormenting him and vice versa. There was four years between us, and I can remember doing things to him to get him into trouble, but I also remembering how much I wanted to look after him and protect him. When he moved to PA with his family, I missed him a lot. I loved having that other person there to have fun with and goof off. I still view him as a brother, and I probably  always will. He means a lot to me.
I can only hope and pray that Miss Magee and Mr. Man develop that close friendship. I think it's so very special to grow up with someone close in age and be able to always count on them. The way they look at each other and giggle out of the blue at each other is so special, and I hope they never lose it.

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