Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stronger than Glue

So many things in this world are easily taken for granted. Our health, home, job, cars, and even our friends and family. This past weekend I was allowed the privilege of preparing and celebrating a friend's wedding. I have known her for roughly eleven years, and our friendship has witnessed many heart aches and victories. We went through high school together, and had it not been for her close and honest friendship, my high school experience would have been less of an adventure and more of a torture device. I am so grateful for all the times we had to spend together at school and in youth group. I am so proud that she has grown into even more of a beautiful woman. Her heart has only grown and the compassion she has for others is still evident. I know that her relationship with her new husband will be one of the most wild adventures of her life, and I know that their love will only grow stronger over the years. She is a dedicated and determined person who strives for success in all aspects of her life.
I have had quite a few different close friends come and go throughout my life. A couple of them I saw this weekend. I realized that we all have many friends, and some of those friends we might call best friends. There are a few that, no matter what might happen, no matter what the circumstances are, they are always there for you. No matter how many years may go by, it always feels as if things never changed and time simply stopped. Those are the friendships I cherish. They are the ones that can get me through the lonely days that come and go. Those friendships are few and far between.
For me, two of those friendships are with family. I realized this weekend just how lucky I am. I have two amazing cousins who love me no matter what. They are there for me and always will be. And, even though I live 600 miles away from them, I know that our relationship will remain strong. I have so many fond memories of us when we were younger, and I am so thankful that we are still making memories every chance we get. I love having cousins that are close. It's one thing to be family, but to be close and family only makes the bond stronger. 

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