Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Thanks

There are so many things in my life for which I am eternally thankful for. Not a day goes my that I don't think of at least one thing that I am thankful for having or for receiving.
I am so thankful for God's creativity. The first picture is of a sunset I watched from my driveway. The rich golden hues are not special affects. This is what the sky truly looked like. I was captured in the moment.

This picture is of the moon. I am so thankful for the new camera I have simply because the moon now looks like this rather than a little light bulb in the sky. The past few nights the moon has been very large, and when it is slowly rising into the night sky, it is a fiery orange. It is spectacular! The creativity and design that is put into every night sky and sunset is overwhelming. Both things are capable of blowing your ming with its beauty. I am so very thankful that I have the eyes to be able to view such a thing!

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