Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tapping into Creativity

I have never considered myself to be very creative or artsy. I sometimes get good ideas but nothing strong enough to inspire me or keep me interested in the project.
I have a hobby, I guess you could call it a hobby. I love to take my camera everywhere with me. I have captured so many fun memories over the years that would have only been lost in my memory had I not been able to pull out my camera. Freezing moments in time has become something I really enjoy doing. I'd love to make it my art, my creative gesture in this world. It makes me happy to be able to capture a smile, a flower blooming, a bird perching, or a squirrel scampering. There are angles of a bridge or tree that a camera can capture far better than the ordinary eye.
I don't have the most high tech camera or the classes to back up my desire to take photographs, but I do have the enjoyment of framing moments in time so that they can become permanent memories.
Roses are such an intricate flower. I received a dozen lavender ones recently and have loved taking pictures of them from different angles with different settings...

 This is a frame that a friend made for me, and I love how the teal stands out...

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