Sunday, February 13, 2011

What are you doing today?

So often we, as Christians, tend to ask God what he is going to do today, and we want to know how he is going to use us in that day. God is already at work when we wake. He doesn't sit around waiting for us to break through the sleepy dreams and open our eyes to greet the world. He has this world already in motion. I am not the key piece of God's plan for the day. He chooses to use me but does not rely on me. Instead of asking what his plan is for the day, ask what are you doing today? For me, it helps put the focus back on Him. It reminds me that I am jumping into the middle of something bigger than myself that is not centered around my wants or needs. It's a humbling yet exciting question to ask. Thinking about a story that has already begun to unfold is just as exciting to me now as it was when I was little and my parents would begin reading me a new story. There's a sense of awe and mystery to it.
God, what are the plans that you have underway today, and how can I be used by you? Please open my eyes to the opportunities around me. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of such an amazing story. Help me not to get in the way, and remind me that this is all for your glory, no matter what may unfold. 

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