Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It's my downfall, one of many. All too often I worry about things that don't need to be thought of. Not only do I worry, I over-analyze. I do this internally-unless you are one of the lucky few I have dubbed as my close confidants, then you get to know all about my mind's inner workings.
I have the opportunity to go to Africa on a missions trip. I know I have touched base on both these items before, which is good because I don't have time to indulge in those topics too deeply.
I simply wanted to say that I am, once again, teetering on the fence of worry and over-thinking. Africa is a far away and requires a passport to travel to. Both things require money. I am doing my best to entrust all this to God for I know that if I am to be in Africa come June 19th, I will be in Africa on June 19th. BUT (says my mind) what about the money to pay for the passport. I need to get the passport soon, so it can be processed without pushing things to the deadline.
I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for some documents to print out so that I can jump up and run to the post office before it closes, and yet, I am sitting here typing to you, even after the printer has finished humming away. I am, once again, held captive by my mind and the horrible question "what if?" What if I am not suppose to be there and don't raise the money? I would've wasted all that money on a passport I now don't need!
 I guess I will never know if I don't go for it, right? I mean, if Africa is truly a place that I am not meant to help reach people for Christ in, then so be it. He can use me elsewhere!

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