Thursday, November 4, 2010


I know that probably the majority of people in this world would look at a squirrel and instantly think about how annoying they are. My parents would be two of those people. They love to hang bird feeders up and entertain birds by the windows for the kids to look at. They get quite irritated when squirrels come pouncing down from the garage roof and land on the tops of the feeders causing the birds to fly off of them as well as the bird food. They have tried the "squirrel proof" feeders and the dome shells to hang over the feeders, but I think that just poses more of a challenge to a squirrel. I, on the other hand, love squirrels. I think that their bushy tail and teeny tiny arms are just too cute. Not only do I think they're cute, but I also find them to be kind of quirky. I love to watch them scamper about.
*Moment of Confession... I am one of those crazy drivers who breaks for these furry little creatures*
I am amused by how they don't just run, they kind of hop and bounce along. I came out of my apartment today and one was sitting on the bottom step and as soon as he saw me he flicked his tail and scurried away as fast as he could. When I was younger, I would try to sneak up on them with the hope of touching one. My attempts paid off one day when I sneaked up on one that was feeding out of the bird feeder (while hanging off of the "squirrel proof" dome my parents had purchased).
While driving to an interview today, I watched one squirrel frantically dig and dig at one spot and just when it looked like he was about to place the nut occupying his mouth into the whole, he looked up, stared at something, flicked his bushy tail and scurried away into a bush. As I was laughing at him, I couldn't help but compare this little animal to myself. I get so easily distracted from things that I can hardly remember what I was thinking about a mere 30 seconds before hand. I spend so much time planning and planning for something or reminding myself to do something but when the time comes to actually do it, I get distracted and scurry off to something else that looks more interesting. Maybe that's why I like squirrels so much, I can relate to them.

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