Friday, January 28, 2011

Kids and schedules

Sometimes I wish kids weren't so sweet. I have the privilege of being the nanny for two precious kids. They are both very sweet and kind natured. The youngest one is a little love bug. He enjoys the snuggles and hugs. But, at times (like today at nap time) I really wish he just wasn't so sweet and lovable. Things would be so much easier if he would just go to sleep like he usually does. But, the last couple of days he has decided that he is going to just lay in his crib and cry and talk and cry some more until I get him. No amount of reinserting the pacifier will soothe him. I think, hmmm... maybe it's gas. So, I pick him up and rock/bounce him, and what does he do? Laugh! He thinks it's funny, and as much as I want to look at him and tell him, No, it's not funny. You need to sleep! The more he smiles and melts my heart.
 So, obviously it has become a game to him (one that I am not willing to lose at). I typically would allow him to cry himself to sleep, but his crying has been getting louder which means his big sister wakes up from her nap and all -excuse my French- hell breaks loose!
So, after two and a half hours of this with him, I finally said ok, fine, if you want to be awake then you are going to have to play. I'm not holding you (thinking this would work since he wanted to be in my arms rather than bed). Well, guess who was proven wrong?! Yep, me! He is perfectly content playing, without me, instead of sleeping. Not cool!
I have realized that his schedule was slightly out of the ordinary these past few days. Instead of the usual errands in the morning, half hour morning nap, play, lunch, nap, it's been errands, go to a play date or museum, half hour morning nap, more play date/museum, lunch, then nap. I think I have created a "schedule snob!" Now, there is nothing wrong with that, to an extent. I am by no means a strict schedule person, especially when it comes to kids, but with the way things always work out during the day, we have a pretty set routine for each day. Apparently, he doesn't enjoy messing that up!
He makes me think about myself and how I don't like being taken out of things that I have actually planned. If there is something planned with a group of people or friends, I look forward to it. When that event or meeting gets cancelled, no matter what the reason, it throws me for a loop and the rest of my day is yucky because of it. A few years ago I learned the importance of being more "care-free." I think it's important to be able to roll with the punches from day to day. Having a schedule is good, but it should be more of a guideline rather than a strict budget of time.
Now that I have remembered this, I guess it's time for me to teach the little guy the importance of rolling with it!

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