Saturday, July 9, 2011

Who Knew?!

In preparing to move the same day that I arrived home from Kenya, I had in my mind that I would have tons of help. That thought came to a screeching halt when I remembered that all of my friends down here either worked just as much, if not more than I do, or would be on the 14 plus hour flight with me. At that point, I wasn't sure how I was going to pull off my move, but my dear family stepped in to save the day. My mom, aunt, and cousin so willingly offered to drive down here from NY (a 12 hour drive) for the weekend simply for moving purposes. I am so very thankful for their kindness. If it weren't for them, I would've been moving by myself or with the help of a very exhausted friend and her husband (which would make for a rather moody time).
Sunday was my aunt's birthday, so I wanted to say thank you and happy birthday the best way I know how, by baking. Obviously, I wanted to make a cake. I had one yellow cake mix left, so I planned to bake while she was out for the morning and surprise her with it. Again, my thoughts came to an end when I realized that I did not have frosting, the ingredients to make frosting, or the money to buy frosting (since my wallet was MIA-yet another post). "Hmmm...what to do now," I thought. While scouring my very disorganized kitchen, I stumbled upon frozen strawberries. Perfect! I thought. I will make a strawberry sauce to go on top of my cake, kind of like strawberry shortcake (only not...).
So, ingredients were mixed (shortening was melted to make up for the lack of vegetable oil), and I was set to bake. Well, I was until I realized that the oven I had turned on 10 minutes ago was still cold. "Hmmm..." I thought again. "How do I bake a cake without an oven?" After all that effort to surprise my aunt with a cake, I  ended up surprising her with cake batter in a cake pan. It's the thought that counts, right?!
So, what did I do with the batter? My aunt suggested this...
Enter microwave
Yep, I decided to microwave my cake batter. I had never done such a thing, but according to some online forums about baking, it could be done in 7 minutes. I figured, "what do I have to lose?"
All I had to find was a baking dish that would fit in my microwave.
Voila.... cake.
For my first take at microwaving baked items, I think it turned out pretty well.

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