Saturday, July 16, 2011

From the moment these little toes set foot in my life, I found myself hooked. It's been 9 months, and I cannot believe how fast time has flown by. He went from a bobble head baby to a crawling locomotive in the blink of an eye, but his smile and sweet nature haven't changed. From wanting to be held all the time to lunging out of my arms because he just wants to move, he hasn't lost his ability to make my heart smile.
I cannot believe how fast they grow, and I find that each second spent with them is another set of memories burned in my mind. I find myself thinking about him and his sister a lot lately, and I am blown away at just how much their little lives have touched mine. They pick up on how I'm feeling even when I try my hardest to put on a brave grown-up face. Even my bravest face holding back the tears can't hide my true feelings from a little two year old, and I am so thankful for that. Sometimes I fight showing emotion simply because I don't enjoy being vulnerable in front of people. I am so thankful for their ability to see past my brave face and lean in for a kiss or a hug when I need it most. Their little quirks and attitudes have brightened some rather gloomy days for me. 
They remind me to cherish the little moments in life....

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