Saturday, March 26, 2011


While hanging with my lil ones yesterday, I saw just how much my Ms. Magee was in that stage of mimicking. She's beginning to expand her vocabulary by repeating the words that I say. She begins to sing when I sing or dance when I dance and how I dance. I went into the office today to get my new work schedule for my second job, and she was a little more reserved around these people than she usually is. I crouched down since there was no place for all of us to sit, and she crouched down right with me. Every move I made she attempted to copy.
At home, she will grab my keys and phone, stick the phone in her pocket (like I do) and head for the door, all the while saying things like I would. I was reminded how much of an important role I am playing in these two children's lives. I am the one with them the most throughout the week. We have our own routine figured out (right down to the crawling up the stairs and down the hallway to her room like were puppies or blowing kisses before I shut her bedroom door). Even for my little guy, I have a certain way that I greet him in the morning that just makes him smile and giggle which lights up my day.
All these things are sweet and to be expected when working with little kids, but I don't just want to go throughout my day checking off the items to do on my list of nannying responsibilities. I want to influence them and help make their childhood the best one possible. I need to remember that little eyes are watching me, so I should make the most of ever day that I am with them. Little feet are following my lead, whether I want them to or not. 
Their little feet are leading them in their exploration of life. I feel privileged to help them along their journeys. There are days when I might feel like my job is insignificant, but when I sit down and think about it all, I realize that my job is not to just watch these kids. I am helping to shape and mold their impression of this world. 

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