Tuesday, March 22, 2011

89 days (give or take a few)

Africa, such a distant country. It's one that I thought I would never get to, but God had some other plans in mind.  In 89 days (if my math is correct) I will be in Kenya, Africa helping to construct an orphanage, help in the existing orphanages, as well as interact with school ages children and the rest of the people in the village of Choimim.
I am so excited to be on this journey and am quite excited to see all that I will learn through this process. So far, I have learned that, and been reminded of numerous times, God cannot be put into a box. No one can say, "well, that's way too much money to expect one person to raise," because God is perfectly capable of moving in people's hearts to help raise that money. He is perfectly capable of allowing what seems impossible to become perfectly attainable. I am very thrilled to be given this chance to touch the lives of the Choimim people, as well as have my life touched by them!
I am daily reminded of how blessed I am to live here in the US. I am so thankful to have the home that I do (bugs or not) and the drivable car I have (even with the duct tape). I am so thankful for my faith in Christ and the chance to witness his grace toward me daily. I wish that I didn't have to wait so long to be with the people of Choimim, but I know that it will all be worth the wait!

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