Sunday, October 17, 2010


I can only hope that everyone gets to experience the beauty of friendship. They're the ones who get me through some of the crappy, crazed, foggy days of my life. Without them, my thoughts would truly get the best of me. As a little girl, I had friends at school and friends at church, and I thought that those friendships would always last, but the reality is that people grow up, change, and move on. Some are lucky enough to remain friends with their childhood buddies, but others experience the feeling of losing something that was important. For me, the latter was the case. I experienced it quite a few times actually. First time was around age 6, second 8, then 11, 15, and 18. Looking back, I have realized I took it all very personally. Most of the reasons the friendship ended was because the person moved, switched schools, or graduated and took a different path than I. Other reasons were because we just grew to be different, not in a bad way, but just in a way that didn't mesh with the other very well. And, there's nothing wrong with that. It happens quite often. About 2 weeks ago, I realized I have removed myself from truly getting to know others because I was afraid that all attempts to remain friends would be futile. I cherish friendship so much, but at the same time, I'm almost afraid of it. I was talking to my friend Dani, and I realized that she's the one friend who moved away that I am still friends with. We were roommates for the summer before she got married. She moved to NC after getting married, and I was again, short a friend. Because of past experiences, I just sort of assumed that we wouldn't stay close so I didn't attempt to stay in touch. In a way, she felt the same way, and yet, here we are attempting to spend every weekend together because we are such great friends. We get each other (which can take quite a bit of effort) and were both quirky and spunky enough to feed off of each other's energy. I am so thankful that our friendship didn't die and look forward to the adventures that lie ahead.

It's the craziness that glues us together

1 comment:

  1. i love you peck peck!!! thanks! you just totally made my day!


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