Monday, October 18, 2010


Now, I would never consider myself a city girl. I can handle just about anything you throw my way. Spiders, snakes, scorpions, ants, worms, large animals, mice, rats (even naked mole rats) I can handle with no creepy crawly skin side affects, but you put one cockroach, centipede, or millipede in my path (dead or alive) and I will be flapping my hands, dancing on my toes and running to the nearest toilet, bed, or chair to get away from them!
I have lived in the south for about 3 months now, and I have killed 1 centipede & 3 cockroaches and see cockroaches scurrying about the path at night when I go out to my car or the dumpster. To say that I abhor these multiple legged critters would be the understatement of the century! They're absolutely disgusting. I am a very clean, neat, and organized person. I don't like filth, dust, or clutter. I take pride in cleaning each and ever much so that I even mop and dry my hardwood floors by hand (yes, on my hands and knees, scrubbing!). So you can imagine my disgust when I had these critters in my apartment. This last time, tonight, when our paths crossed, I had gone into my bathroom, opened up the medicine cabinet and felt something hit the back of my head. I looked around and saw nothing. So, being the curious person that I am, I turned the light on to investigate. And, to my unpleasant surprise this brown thing of the devil scurried toward my up onto my foot. I screamed flapped my arms (as if I hopefully would fly away) and danced about before hopping up on the toilet. After gaining my composure, I ran to the kitchen-still doing the "icky gross it touched me" dance- and grabbed my clog and the bottle of 409. I went back into the kitchen took a deep breath closed the door and began to douse the evil critter. I chased it behind the toilet and back out before it finally stopped moving which is when I squished it with my clog.
After taking out my revenge on the "thing" I ran to the nearest Wal Mart, picked up some Raid, came home and proceeded to spray every crevice and cranny in my whole apartment. And, you can bet that my landlord will hear from me. The pest guy was here last month and I think it's time for another visit.
Some might just say, welcome to the south! But, I think this is a little excessive!!!
*Shutters with disgust*
...and just so you know, all events are written with total accuracy!

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