The mind is such an incredible tool. We can't really shut it off no matter how hard we try. Along with the mind comes our memories which are normally attached to events or people. And, those people from the past we tend to use as models to compare new people we interact with in the present. I find myself doing this comparison on just about everyone that is in my life, and I don't purposefully do it. It's something that just happens within the first few seconds of meeting someone. Once my mind is triggered, it's hard to stop the flooding memories and quick comparisons of each person's (past and present) smile, demeanor, voice, personality, and likes.
As these comparisons are going on, I am also continuing in the conversation that I am having with this present person, but I am also thinking about memories that are connected to the person whom I am comparing them with.
Along the line of memories, I am fascinated with what can trigger memories. Sometimes it's the faintest smell, a certain flash in someone's eye, a song, a car, the tone of someone's voice, the mention of a place, or the weather. For me, the best memories are usually connected to a song or a smell. I think half of my itunes is attached to a funny memory or one that I cherish. And, I find it funny how the most random smells will trigger something in my mind which leads me down memory lane (a place I find myself visiting often).
who do you connect me with??? ;-) Or do I get to be original and it's someone else that you connect to me? yay. But I totally agree with the smells and sounds that being up memories. My mom said that for women our age we start to remember the most random things. I'll be drying my hair and think of this time that my grandpa took me fishing and there was a log cabin bright green lily pads all over. Now what about drying my hair can honestly remind me of that! weird. Or this one time I was wearing a purple shirt and checking it out in the mirror and thought about this summer day trip my dad took me on through our school with a lady named Pia. maybe she wore a purple shirt that day...but i doubt it. I just don't know why these random memories pop in my head! yesh.