Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Power of a Hug

I'm sure we have all heard of the studies of how touch can really affect the development of infants. Without that personal touch and human contact, the child will grow up emotionally damaged. Studies have been done on children who lived in orphanages or in homes where they were not touched by another human being daily, and the findings were that those children had difficulty thriving. Their development was very delayed as well as their social capabilities. Contact not only enhances the bond the child develops to a person, but it is also soothing to them.
Infants aren't the only ones who needs that human contact daily. Adults can become socially stunted if they lack contact with humans. A hug, whether from an adult or a child, has amazing affects on the human body. I just think of a hug as something that is nice to get once in a while. But, not only can a hug be nice, it can help lower your heart rate, blood pressure, increase circulation, decrease stress by reducing the level of cortisol (stress hormone), and it helps release dopamine and oxytocin (bonding hormones). It also can influence us psychologically. It can bring back happy memories, help you feel comforted, shatter mental blocks, and increase the feeling of acceptance.
I got the thinking about hugs today when I was holding my little guy right before he went down for his morning nap. He looked up at me with his big blue eyes and just smiled at me and then proceeded to raise his hand to my face and gently placed it on my cheek. He then put his head down on my shoulder and snuggled in. All my thoughts of what I needed to do temporarily went out the window as I took in the moment before placing him in his bed. His little hug just made me feel so appreciated and loved.
If you ask me, there is nothing better than the power of those little hands touching your face or those little arms wrapping themselves around your neck or waist. The sweet innocence of children is so comforting and pure.


  1. i hate that you took that picture! why can't i do that! I craft, you photograph. we'll leave it at that

  2. :) The best part was that my subject stayed sleeping the whole I was snapping the shots


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