Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My New Challenge

I just wanted to take a little time to explain to you why I have a St. Jude link on my page. I have been given the responsibility to lead my fellow team of sale associates at New York & Company in raising money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Before this responsibility, I was aware of what St. Jude was all about (or at least I thought). I knew that my donation would help fund research, but I neglected to realize that there is so much more to it than that. I am now aware that money donated not only helps to fund research into childhood cancer but also other diseases. It also helps pay for the cost of treatment when a child's insurance won't, helps cover the cost of food, travel, and lodging for the patient and one family member, as well as helps make the stay more comfortable for the patient (like buying teddy bears or blankets). And, these are actually just a few ways our dollars help.
With this new responsibility comes a goal- to raise money between now and November 19 when the walk takes place in Raleigh.Therefore, I have a challenge- to collect as many donations and make people more aware of this great opportunity to help someone we may never meet. There are walks being held all around different states, and I would love to be able to share in this experience with you. If you feel led, you can click on the link to the right of this post and do 1 of 3 things (or all if you so choose). You can...

1. Donate through my page (credit card or contact me and donate cash or check)
2. Sign up to participate in the walk, create your own page, and raise money 
3. Become a sponsor and partner with others to help me reach my goal 

Any or all of those things will help the main goal be reached. What exactly is that goal? To raise as much money and awareness as possible to help better the lives of these children. 
If you would like, you can click here to find out other ways in which to help. 
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this little blurb about what I am doing. 

Selected Card
Aren't they so stinkin' cute?! 


  1. Hey Becky,

    My sister's church, Pleasant Garden Baptist, high school and singles groups have taken a annual trip the past few years to St. Jude's to volunteer for a week. If you would be interested in going on next year's August trip, let me know and I'll get more info for you!


  2. Hi, Becky -- I think I made a contribution with my credit card last night, but did not get a confirmation. I'll check my account tonight, and try again if necessary!


I'd love to hear what's on your mind!