Sometimes it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. At times it seems like there is no light at all. At the end of the day you feel drained after fighting against the current of the world. You question why fight? Why fight against the waves? Moments can so easily overtake you and all you feel like you can do is give into the strength of them and allow them to drift you out to sea. There are times when fighting seems useless. The strength you exert is tiresome and there are days when you would much rather allow yourself to be taken under than stay afloat.
In those moments when all you feel you can do is give up, it's hard to remember that there can be a light at the end of the tunnel, but only if you choose to open your eyes to see it. I write this from a personal viewpoint. I've been there. I've been in the deep shadows and dark pits that seem endless and without hope. I've been in the middle of the tide pulling you out and turning you on end making it hard to know which way is up. I've experienced giving up, and I've also fought harder than ever to get out.
My advice? Keep fighting. Don't give up, because if you do, sooner or later you are going to wish you hadn't, and it's much much harder to swim back to shore when you're headed caught in a riptide headed out for sea. But, who am I to tell you how to go about your journey? I am simply one traveling along the path that might run parallel with yours for a time, but while yours might go left, mine may shoot up a hill or down a steep cliff. The point is that though we are all on different journeys, we share something in common- we know what it's like to struggle, to want to give up. We also know what it's like to feel that inspiration and strength to move on.
I often wonder what makes us question the reasons as to why things happen to us. I think we all know that we aren't the only person to have experienced whatever it is each of us might be going through. Maybe it's because we just want to know what exactly the outcome is suppose to be? Or, maybe it's because we want to know what we did wrong so that we can avoid all this the next time around. It's hard to accept the tough times in life along with the good, but in my experience (though there really isn't much) the true good times always come after pain- the best sunsets tend to come after a horrible storm. I don't think the key to figuring things out is us knowing the reason behind the dark times. I think it's figuring out what to do with the knowledge you gained after you reach the light at the end.
I don't even know why I felt the need to write this, but for some reason it's been tumbling around in my mind for a few days and just needed to get it out. I guess you could say I'm feeling that strong pull of the current, and there have been moments where I have wanted to just let my knees buckle. The only thing that's keeping me standing is the knowledge that there is a light at the end. There is a time when the current will die down, and peace will slowly drift in. I look forward to that peaceful time when the waves are majestic and rhythmic. Though the peaceful noise of the waves crashing against the shore are only for a short time, I have come to rely on them for clarity and strength. Remembering the better times will follow gives me enough hope to keep moving forward.
In the midst of my ramblings, I hope that something made sense, it was more a "soothe my soul" kind of a post than anything else.
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