Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What is it with kids and hiding things?
Thankfully, this is a juice sippy, but it's worse when the milk sippy goes missing. (Might I add that I detest sippy cups with a passion!) Little Man is addicted to hiding things...my shoes, my keys, my wallet, my phone, my sunglasses, his cup, his sister's cup, and the list goes on...
I swear it's to keep me on my toes.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's Fall... I think...

Well, it's fall in my book. I live in NC which means the sun still makes its presence known in September and allows the temps to creep up to the 80s here and there. To any southerners reading this, they are probably thinking, "Um...it's September so it's fall." But, to me, a northerner at heart, still sees it as summer. My body is telling me it's still summer while my mind and heart are screaming it's fall.
I miss all that NY has to offer during the fall. The colors of the leaves as they prepare to fall off the trees that draped along the hills and mountains are breathtaking, the crisp air that is full of that earthy smell is invigorating, the idea of pumpkins and apples and spices make my mouth water, and knowing that I can wear cute jeans and sweaters that match my boots makes me a little giddy.
I have been dying to sip hot apple cider next to a fire while curled up in a blanket watching a movie. There is only one thing wrong with that scenario. I don't have a fireplace, nor do I really want a fire when it's still 80 outside! Fall doesn't seem to show its face until October around here, if we're lucky. Sure, the days get more rainy and the leaves begin to change, but there's just something different when compared to NY.
As soon as September 1st rolled around, I wanted to bake more than usual (which is a lot if you know me). 
Apple Pie
Apple Crisp
Pumpkin Pie
Molasses Cookies
Pumpkin Spice Cookies
Ginger Cookies
Mocha Chocolate Chip Cookies
Pumpkin Swirl Brownies
Baked Apples
Apple Strudel
Apple Cinnamon Cake
Berry Cobbler
Apple Dumplings
Homemade Donuts
And the list goes on...
Can you see the common thread in all these desserts? 
Apples... mmmm, I love them. Put some cinnamon in there with it, and I am on cloud nine!
There are so many other yummy foods that come to my mind when I think of fall, but to sit here and list them would only make your mouth water...even more...

Picture that just out of the oven, golden brown on top, with juices bubbling
Sighs... I love fall...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


In the ever changing world of kids, I know there are things that I am guaranteed to encounter. Things like...
Dirty Diapers
   Temper Tantrums
      Spilled Milk
         Mess after Mess
            Nap Times
                  Learning Moments
                    Potty Training
                      Squished Food (in hair)
                         Squeals and Giggles
                            Multitudes of Kisses
                              ...and did I mention tantrums?
Life has been crazy lately (hence the lack of posts). Remember when I wrote about how I felt change coming? Yeah... well, it's here. I am the process of changing jobs which means I am still nannying full time and training for the new full time position at my other job. 
Along with those changes come new developments with the munchkins. Little Man turned a year last month and decided to start walking along with that milestone. He is now very sure of his steps and is intentional in all his actions (especially the disobedient ones), and he is jabbering up a storm. Miss Magee is fully embracing the terrible twos (and by fully embracing I mean loving every minute of driving us mad). They both know how to push my buttons.
At the same time, they both have mastered melting my heart. Every smile, every giggle, every kiss, every hug, and yes...every tear, I cherish because I know that the next day will only be one step closer to me not being with them. It's been 10 months since our worlds collided, and though there have been bumps and twists and turns, there have been many smooth patches and blue skies too.