Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day, Dad

Growing up, I was so blessed with the parents that I had. Since Father's Day is approaching, and I will not be here to write this then, I decided to just write a little something about my dad.
When I think about him, I instantly think of how he enjoys kids, and how much they enjoy him. Much of how I have come to interact with kids has come from watching him. They flock to him without him even attracting attention to himself. He is a man of few words. His thoughts, when spoken, are formed with intention. His goal being to communicate exactly what he wants the other person to understand in the way he wants them to understand it. I love his smirk that sneaks across his face when he is goofing around, and I love watching funny movies with him because of his contagious laugh. He is a strong figure that has been consistent in my life, and I am so thankful for that.

He has a love for the outdoors, and most of my childhood summer memories are of us fishing up at our camp or out on the boat at a lake near home.

His love for God and his family is inspiring. His strong work ethics have been passed down to his children, and I am so thankful for the example that he laid before me. 
Happy Father's Day, Dad. I wish I could be there to give you a hug and tell you how much I love you. You mean a lot to me, and I miss you....
Love ya.....

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sanity...Where are you?

Deodorant...Check. Journal...Check. Hair brush...Check. Camera...Check. Toothbrush...Check.
Oh how I love to pack! Okay, so that was a lie. I love traveling but detest the days I spend before hand trying to figure out what I need to shove into my bag. I guess I wouldn't hate it as much if unpacking was not waiting for me at the end of the trip.
I leave in roughly 29 hours! Actually, I leave in about 27 hours since I have to leave my house 2 hours before the group is meeting at the airport. I feel like I've checked, double checked, rechecked, and checked some more the 3 bags that I have crammed full of stuff, and yet I sit here trying to figure out what in the world I'm forgetting! I think in the craziness of packing I somehow managed to pack my sanity, and I have no clue if it's in an Africa bag or a moving box! There are so many things that I know I need to do tomorrow before I leave, but I honestly cannot remember what any of them are. And, remember how much I love to make lists? Yeah, well those lists are of no use when they can't be found (probably another item lost in the shuffle)!
Despite the craziness my life has consisted of the past couple of months, I am so excited to go on this trip and to move into a new apartment. Although I find change slightly intimidating, I love the challenge it brings and can't wait to find out just what exactly there is in store for me.
I had to say goodbye to Mr. Man and Miss Magee today. I won't see them for 3 weeks and realizing that broke my heart. Mr. Man will be walking (I can almost guarantee it), and Miss Magee will be even more full of life...and words! They were brought into my life at exactly the right moment. I needed them in a way that I didn't even know, and now I can't imagine my life without them there. It's funny how I thought I was going to be taking care of them and helping them grow up in this world, and yet, they have somehow taught me a thing or two. Who knew?!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Is it nap time yet?!

Do you ever have those days where you feel like you're repeating yourself over and over again? If you spend your day with kids, I'm sure you do. Today has been "just one of those days." My day started at 6am, the sun was just barely starting to "wake up." I don't mind early mornings. I actually feel like I can get a lot more done when I get up early. (Yesterday, I was up at 6, to work by 7, sorted and organized both kids closets, had both kids dressed and fed by 9, the kitchen spotless, and the rest of the house vacuumed by 10. It was a very productive day!) I headed out the door, slightly running late but not horribly, and was to work at 7 on the dot. Miss Magee was in a whiny mood which is slightly understandable since she had been up for an hour. By 9, both kids were up and being fed, but instead of us all being in good moods, we were all in sour moods (and I was ready for nap time!). I should have known it would be all down hill from there.
Not even 10 minutes after Mr. Man woke up, I had repeated the phrases "Drink your milk, please," "No, no touch," "Leave your sister alone," "Please, stop the whining," and "Play with your toys, not the cords" at least eight times a piece. I seriously feel like a broken record. You would think that they would get sick of hearing me say the same thing; heaven knows I do! Distraction works wonders when the children aren't as stubborn as a mule! And, it doesn't help the fact that when you remove Mr. Man from something he's not suppose to be playing with he looks at you, grunts, and swats at you (kid you're not even a year yet!).
I decided we HAD to get out of the house today. Outside the sun was shining, but the humidity wasn't up which means it's perfect weather for a walk to the park. So, by 9:30 we were out the door. Mr. Man was obviously not enthused with the idea since he fussed once we got there. We played on the swings and the slide (and I found five bucks!) which boosted our moods a little bit. Then it was time to hop back into the stroller for that 15 minute walk back. Again, Mr. Man was not enthused, and instead of sleeping his usual 45 minute morning nap, he chose to sleep for 15. Next was bath time before lunch then nap (oh how I've been waiting for this). Bath time went as "smoothly" as I had expected- full of fitful cries from Miss Magee and terrified screams from Mr. Man in response to the echos of his sister's fits. They love the pool but seem to hate baths. Finally, lunch time. To my surprise, it went quite well, but as soon as the bibs came off and the faces were cleaned, it was like we were back in the heat of battle. Mr. Man insisted on playing with his sister's hair (aka...pulling), and Miss Magee insisted on whining about things and tormenting her brother by rolling on him and trying to carry him. -Insert repeat phrases, again-
I am so thankful for nap time. Yes, it gives me a break, but I am much more thankful for what it does to the kids. The poor things have been so busy that their sleep schedule is totally out of whack. Naps recharge all of us and allow me to recover from the morning and prepare for the afternoon.
*Big sigh* Thank goodness for nap time.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I know that a few of my posts have consisted of my trip to Africa. For a while, I have felt as if this trip was something in the future. As money began to come in, I was excited but felt as if the trip would never come. Now, with only 4 days to pack and prepare myself, I am beginning to feel the pressure. The realization that I will be in another country on another continent half way around the world surrounded by other people speaking another language and submerged in a different culture is just overwhelming to me! Knowing that I will be on a plane for almost 24 hours is yet another thought that is currently swarming my brain.
There is so much to do- things to pack, things to buy to pack, mail to stop, bills to make sure are paid, things to finalize for my move, and the list goes on and on. It wouldn't be so stressful if I didn't have to work, but this week is one of those weeks with crazy hours that start early and seem to never end (good thing I love my job!). I am so worried I will forget to pack something that I have made lists of what to pack (3 to be exact), and I know that more will come to my mind as I begin the packing process. Right now, things are currently thrown into my bag, but I need to go through it and actually organize it a little.
Despite all that needs to be done in preparation for this trip, I am ecstatic to go. I cannot wait to set foot in another country, meet new people, and see all the faces of the children light up when they see what we have brought with us. I cannot wait to see how I much I will be stretched through this whole process. I honestly don't really know what I am "getting myself into," and I won't until I get over there. I am looking forward to serving in any way that I can. I know that it will be a stretch for me, and I can almost guarantee that I will be ripped out of my comfort zone. But, I can also guarantee that it will all be worth it in the end.
I look forward to writing about my trip when I return!

Friday, June 10, 2011

So Blessed

I feel as though I have one of the best jobs in the world. I absolutely love what I do! Taking care of kids is so rewarding...and so tiring...but with the good comes the bad. For me, one minute of good outweighs all the bad.
Today, is full of snot. Little Man is teething tooth number 3, and Miss Magee has a cold which she so kindly shared with me. While sitting beside the kiddie pool this morning, I couldn't help but think of how amazing my job was. As that thought came and went, I began to think of all the "other" stuff that came with it. I know that anyone out there who spends most of their day with little kids would agree, there's no privacy, no down time, and no clean days. Miss Magee is at the potty training stage which means every time I use the "big girl potty," she must broadcast it to the world, fling the door wide open (which I had partially closed), and proceed to make comments or ask questions. Then there's Little Man who must get into every little thing while I am being detained by the question Queen in the royal throne room.
There's also the problem of personal space. Let me just say, it doesn't exist. As soon as I lower myself down to 3 feet, I am fair game. In Little Man's eyes, I am better than any other toy out there. I am the ultimate jungle gym. It's like he has a sense about him. I might be in the other room, but as soon as I sit down on the floor or squat down to talk to Miss Magee, he's there  pulling up on me, gnawing on me, drooling, the whole bit.
Staying at home with kids is not pretty. This job is not one that I get dressed up for. I don't wear sweat pants, and I try to look decent for that outing that I can only pray gets accomplished without the many possible malfunctions. I dress practical. I don't put make-up on simply because I don't see the point, and my hair is typically thrown up in a messy bun or pony tail. Upon leaving, I can guarantee you there will be a little bit of snot on my shoulder or a spec or two of leftover lunch from Little Man. Or, you might find finger paint or a hint of playdo somewhere. Then there are the days when the look of "is today over yet?!" is plastered on my face. But despite all of that, the little moments of good still come out in front.
Miss Magee is learning how to pull up her own pants, and it's so adorable how she shakes and tugs to get them up over her bottom. And then there's the time in the pool where Little Man squeals and laughs as he, and Miss Magee repeats "shay you boo-eee!" (shake your booty) over and over with a huge smile on her face.
I can't help but feel so blessed to be a part of their lives. Each day brings a new accomplishment (and trial), and I walk away feeling so thankful to have them in my life. At times I feel like they teach me more about myself and the world than I teach them.
Again, I think that every parent or person who invests in the lives of little children would agree, that though it seems like most moments aren't pretty, they're memorable and worth more than words can express.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Best Kind of Days

It's days like today when the sun is shining, the breeze is faint yet cooling, the humidity is lower than usual, and the kids are entertained by the sandbox and bubbles that I sit back and feel so content. In the midst of crazy car issues, an apartment in disarray, insurance decisions, and packing for Africa (not to mention the day to day issues that pop up for a little surprise), I am able to feel relaxed and happy. On days like today, I feel as if all is right in the world. It reminds me of all the summers I spent as a kid carefree, just happy to be playing outside. The laughter and smiles that are in the background as I type fill my heart with joy, and I can't help but laugh a little too.
Summer is my favorite season. The sun, the humidity, the cool evening breezes, the occasional thunderstorm, the picnics, the nights spent staring at the stars, the sound of the ocean waves crashing onto the shore,the intensity of sunrises and sunsets, they;re all a part of why I love this season. I find myself so excited in the morning when I walk out my front door and feel the warmth, even at 6am! I can't help but feel happier. I can't think of any other kind of day that beats these.

Breathtaking View

I love flying. Everything about it makes me excited. Some may find the process quite daunting, not me. The only part of the process I don't enjoy is packing and unpacking. Being in the airport always makes me smile. I love seeing all the people going from gate to gate, some casually walking while others frantically sprinting. 

There is something so amazing when the plane pushes through the clouds and rises above them. The view is breathtaking.  

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stronger than Glue

So many things in this world are easily taken for granted. Our health, home, job, cars, and even our friends and family. This past weekend I was allowed the privilege of preparing and celebrating a friend's wedding. I have known her for roughly eleven years, and our friendship has witnessed many heart aches and victories. We went through high school together, and had it not been for her close and honest friendship, my high school experience would have been less of an adventure and more of a torture device. I am so grateful for all the times we had to spend together at school and in youth group. I am so proud that she has grown into even more of a beautiful woman. Her heart has only grown and the compassion she has for others is still evident. I know that her relationship with her new husband will be one of the most wild adventures of her life, and I know that their love will only grow stronger over the years. She is a dedicated and determined person who strives for success in all aspects of her life.
I have had quite a few different close friends come and go throughout my life. A couple of them I saw this weekend. I realized that we all have many friends, and some of those friends we might call best friends. There are a few that, no matter what might happen, no matter what the circumstances are, they are always there for you. No matter how many years may go by, it always feels as if things never changed and time simply stopped. Those are the friendships I cherish. They are the ones that can get me through the lonely days that come and go. Those friendships are few and far between.
For me, two of those friendships are with family. I realized this weekend just how lucky I am. I have two amazing cousins who love me no matter what. They are there for me and always will be. And, even though I live 600 miles away from them, I know that our relationship will remain strong. I have so many fond memories of us when we were younger, and I am so thankful that we are still making memories every chance we get. I love having cousins that are close. It's one thing to be family, but to be close and family only makes the bond stronger.