...for ALL ages! My little guy has this attachment issue to me (and only me). Now, it's sweet and all, but it's one habit that must be broken. He has a very energetic almost two year old sister who requires love and attention as well. Little man is fine as long as I am talking to him and playing with him, but heaven forbid if I leave the room! Let's just say, I have seen the true colors of this adorable six month old...and his temper! It's hard to walk away when the tears are flowing and the cries are getting louder, but it needs to be done for his benefit.
I think that it is very important for a child to learn that they can play and entertain themselves for a little bit while things are being done around the house. Imagination is something I have seem slowly diminish in the younger generations. Thanks to technology such as video games, movies, portable dvd players, and many other things, children just don't seem to know how to make up stories about cops and robbers or play with their dollies. Now, technology is great, but there is a time and place for it.
Okay, sorry, that was not the point of this post.
The point is that we all have bad habits that we cling to, and we all have meltdowns when they are taken away from us. I have a hard time letting go in the relationship department, and I have become accustomed to eating when I'm stressed and bored. I have a habit of obsessing over both those things. I do it so much that my little imagination can go wild and point out all the worst case scenarios, and while those images are flooding my head, the junk food is flooding my stomach, hips, and thighs. I have "given" it over to God numerous times, but I am the master of "Indian giving." One little thing sparks my thinking and instead of asking God for help in mastering this issue, I grab a handful of chocolate chips and some cheese puffs and begin mulling over the different aspects of all the possibilities.
When something seems so far out of reach I begin to get frustrated and depressed instead of calling out to the God who loves me and cares for me.
It's funny all the life lessons you can draw from a child not even old enough to walk yet!